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  • Writer's pictureVanessa Bird

Access To My Brain.

Ever feel you need someone to go to for advice in this crazy big industry? Who do you go to? Peers? Family? Friends? Device companies? PR Agents? There's so many people to choose from and everyone has an agenda so what should you do? I can help you out here... and tell you to hire me on Retainer to access my brain.

With over 11 years in Aesthetic Medicine I have a unique insight into the world of aesthetics, knowing what technologies are best to invest in and what ones to avoid. I can advise on how best to package together treatments for maximising revenue. I can put you in touch with a few PR Agents best suited to your needs and introduce you to Finance Companies who specialise in funding aesthetic professionals quickly and with competitive rates. I am here should you need advice on how to generate more sales for your business. I can ghost-write articles you can use in newsletters, Eshots or even industry publications. I can recommend what Expos or Congresses both here in the UK and Internationally are worth attending. I can even introduce you to likeminded individuals or companies that can help you with specific issues. Basically, you get access to my brain by email or telephone and you can do it on a month-by-month basis as and when you need it.

Whether your an independent practitioner, a busy clinic chain or a global company, it's always a good idea to have someone on the end of the phone who can give independent advice without being influenced by company politics or kick-backs from others. The Aesthetic Consultant is here for you.

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