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  • Writer's pictureVanessa Bird

How A Retainer Package Prevents Costly Mistakes

Ever wondered why people provide a Retainer Package? It's all a bit 'vague' isn't it? 'THE RETAINER PACKAGE'... what on earth does it even mean? Grab a coffee and I'll get started on what it is, how it works and why everyone who wants to avoid making big mistakes should sign up for one.

Imagine you're looking to invest in a new aesthetic device. You think you know what kind of treatment you want to offer but having started to do your research, you find yourself lost in a sea of technology and terminology. HIFU, Radio Frequency, mono/bi/uni/multi-polar RF, Cryolipolysis, laser, IPL, HIFEM, Ultrasound, Cavitation.... oh and they ALL claim to be the best in class, the safest, the most effective and the device with the biggest demand from patients. How do you tell them apart let alone know what works and what doesn't?

Maybe you're trying to increase sales in clinic but you don't quite know how to do that? Do you put targets on your team? Do you incentivise them and if so, with what? Should you get them trained in sales and who would provide this training? What about discounts, packages and free trials? What are the benefits and pitfalls of these in generating more revenue?

Perhaps you want to network more and don't know which of the expos, trade shows or events are worth attending? Should you visit any of the international shows and if so, which ones? Are you looking at developing your education but all the training academies seem to insist THEY are the best so which one should you choose?

Basically, The Retainer Package by The Aesthetic Consultant is access to an objective, experienced and knowledgeable point of contact you can reach by email or phone for advice and guidance on all this and more. Think of it as a person looking out for you. This person is saving you from costly mistakes such as investing thousands in capital equipment that isn't as good as it makes out to be or has terrible aftercare. It is a way of getting the shortlist of the best PR companies who deliver results at the highest level (so you don't have to waste your time and money on ones who don't). You can email or call to discuss an idea for a workshop or event and look for advice and guidance on how best to plan it (or ask The Aesthetic Consultant to oversee this for you). You can even ask for help finding good staff. Whatever you need advice on, all it takes is a quick email or phone call and The Aesthetic Consultant can help. There is no limit to how many times in a month you can make contact and you can pay on a monthly basis or opt for a three or six month retainer package and save a little more? The cost is low and it is a sensible way to avoid making expensive mistakes by the choices in the Industry.

Want to know more? Visit the Contact Page and drop me an email.

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